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Welcome to BWRT of New York, Long Island

BWRT is The Therapy of tomorrow ... today

Donna Bloom of BWRT of New York

about US

Donna Bloom of BWRT of New York is BWRT® Registered Advanced Practitioner: MIBWRT(Adv.)

BrainWorking® Recursive Technique
BWRT® enables the client to create a preferred response or better mental reaction, rather than an unwanted response to a stressful situation or trigger. “The change can be so natural the client doesn’t even notice the subtle switch,” says Terence Watts, the creator of BWRT®.


Hypnosis Services

A powerful resource state to heal wounds from the past and understand the positive intention underneath unwanted habits or fears.

Click Here to Learn more about Donna’s Hypnosis Services at Wise Mind Hypnosis. Donna is also a Board Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists.


BWRT® is Fast

BWRT® is  suitable For Most People, For Most Common Issues.

BWRT® is Effective

The virtual rewiring in the brain is so effective, you may only need one, two or three sessions.  *Results do tend to vary from person to person. No individual result is typical. 

BWRT® is Easy

It gives you the tools to reprogram emotional or habitual responses, through the power of thought.

Donna Bloom BWRT Registered Practitioner for BWRT in New York, Long Island
BWRT Level 2, Registered Practioner
BWRT New York Certified BWRT Practitioner
Donna Bloom BBRS Registered Practitioner, New York
Britsh Brain Working Research Society
Donna Bloom, BWRT Practitioner, New York

*Disclaimer: Services rendered by a BWRT Practitioner are held out to the public as non-therapeutic. Services rendered are not any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, we make no health benefit claims for our services. Our work is supportive and educational, intended to enhance productivity, effectiveness, and flourishing. BWRT (Brain Working Recursive Technique) results will vary from person to person. No individual results should be seen as typical.