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Media Coverage of BWRT®

Top Sante, a UK Magazine

Find out about a groundbreaking – but entirely natural – new therapy that helps you rewire your thoughts.

Daily Mail, a UK Major Newspaper

New way to wipe out lifelong phobias – in just one session: How brain therapy that targets flight or fight response helped conquer Alisa’s fear of birds.

Echo News, a UK News Outlet

Terence Watts has developed pioneering new treatment which can help overcome addictions, a host of anxieties and issues

Neuroscientists Read Brain Activity

The brain makes decisions before you even know it!

Does Imposter Syndrome Plague You....

Neuroscientists can read brain activity to predict decisions 11 seconds before people act.

Your brain makes up its mind up to ten seconds before you realize it, according to researchers.seconds before people act.

Why most people feel as if they are faking it…Read on to learn exactly why!